Sports Chiropractor Vernon BC

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6 questions to ask your new chiropractor

Not all Chiropractors are created equal.

Some of them are up to date on the research and do their absolute best to keep YOUR best in mind. Others? Not so much.

If you plan on seeing a Chiropractor in Vernon, here are the Top 6 Questions you should ask them at your first visit:

1 - What does my treatment plan look like?

Your chiropractor should have a plan and be able to explain it to you. That doesn’t mean that everything will always go according to plan, but you at least need to be following one. They should be able to tell you an estimate for how long and how many visits your treatment will take.

2 - What will each appointment look like?

You should know what your appointments will include so that you are better prepared for them each week. Your chiropractor should be able to tell you what to expect.

3 - When do you think I will be feeling better and how long will you need to see me for?

This one is a tricky one because everyone is different. But… your Chiropractor should be able to give you an estimate of how long it takes to recover, based on how long their patients have taken to recover and what the current research says.

4 - What are some alternatives to adjusting?

Chiropractic adjustments do not solve all problems. They also are not absolutely necessary to treat ANY condition. If you do not like being adjusted, you do not have to be adjusted. A good chiropractor should recognize that and be able to give you alternative treatment options.

5 - Will this condition get better on its’ own?

Most conditions get better on their own. This is a fact. If you ask your chiropractor and they tell you that your back pain will get worse if you don’t get adjusted or your neck will get arthritis because you need your bones put back in place, they are trying to scare you into treatment.

That said, even people with conditions that eventually get better on their own often benefit from treatment and a rehab plan.

6 - What can I do at home to help me with my pain?

Repeat after me: “I am responsible for my own fate”

If your Chiropractor does not give you anything to do at home to help manage your pain or progress your condition, find a new Chiropractor.

Not sure where to start?

We can help.

If you are looking for a Chiropractor in Vernon, I can help you in person.

If you are looking for a Chiropractor in BC, I can see you virtually, or I can point you in the right direction to find someone near you.

See this content in the original post

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Chiropractic and Sports Rehab in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Book an Appointment with Dr Murdoch: book here

Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc