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Running, Knee Pain Mark Murdoch Running, Knee Pain Mark Murdoch

The 3 most common types of knee pain in runners

Learn the most common types of knee pain in runners and why most runners never get better.

It's Dr Mark here from Base Camp.

Knee pain sucks. Straight up. Almost every runner will experience an injury at some point. The knee is the most common running-related injury runners experience.

The good news is, for most runners, it doesn't have to stop you.

Most often, running-related knee pain from 1 of 3 different causes:

  1. The Patellofemoral joint pain (the knee cap, the muscles, and the tendons associated with it)

  2. The Iliotibial Band pain (aka the IT Band)

  3. Osteoarthritis (inflammation of the knee joint)

All three of these injuries have their causes and specific solutions.

Despite that, they all come down to the same thing: doing too much, too soon.

Your body wasn't prepared for the demands you placed on it.

It happens.

BUT... if you don't want to end up in REHAB PURGATORY then take them seriously.

For runners, there are three types of knee pain you need to understand.

The first is Patellofemoral Pain (PFP) in the FRONT of the knee, and the second is Iliotibial Band (ITB) Pain on the OUTSIDE of the knee.

None of them are fun.

But they don’t have to be permanent or keep you from hitting your running goals.

In fact, chances are good if you are a runner that you will experience either PFP of ITB pain at some point in your running career.

The WRONG thing to do is ignore it, keep running at the same intensity and volume, and just hope it goes away.

Let’s talk a little bit about both types of pain and your first line of defence for both of them…


Patellofemoral Pain (PFP) is pain that is located on the anterior aspect of the knee (the front).

The word sounds scary, but really it just means pain related to the patella (your knee cap) and your femur (your leg bone). Often, the tendon is involved and can be one of the primary pain generators for PFP. It tends to be MUCH more common in women (2-3 times as common in fact) and can take a long time to resolve (for some stubborn cases it can last more than a year).

Pain tends to come on slowly, and may or may not be present during every run.

In my experience, runs with a lot of downhill mileage are notorious for flaring up PFP. This is likely mainly due to the way the quad muscles need to contract to stabilize the knee while travelling downhill, even at moderate grades.

One of the most common symptoms of PFP is pain with ascending and descending stairs.

2. Iliotibial Band Pain

Iliotibial Band Pain is pain that is located on the lateral aspect of the knee, where the Iliotibial Band (ITB) connects to the lower leg bone (the tibia, which is your shin bone).

Like PFP, ITB Pain tends to come on slowly, but once it comes it rarely goes away without a fight. The pain is often worse with early knee bending (when the knee is bent to about 30 degrees) and wreaks havoc on activities like cycling and downhill running.

The function of the ITB is to preserve force while we are walking or running, and stabilize the lateral knee. Pain comes on when the bursa (and fluid-filled sack) that is located deep to the ITB insertion becomes irritated.

ITB pain is often intense and debilitating.

3. Osteoarthritis (OA)

The third type of knee pain is osteoarthritis-related knee pain.

A lot of people think that running is bad for your knees and causes OA. The reality is that osteoarthritis is LESS common in recreational runners, which means that it is actually PROTECTIVE from arthritis!

The key is to get the dosage right.

If you have already had a knee injury, there is a higher chance you will develop OA and OA-related knee pain, but it is not guaranteed.

When there is degeneration, joint changes, or arthritis in the knee, your knee is more sensitive to triggering pain. But… the dosage makes the poison. Over time, you can build up your running volume and run without pain, even if you have arthritis.



Unfortunately… most running injuries tend to follow this pattern:

Initial Injury from too much running volume

> Runner takes a couple of days off because of the pain

>> The pain gets better because the pain trigger (running) is absent, but because they took time off, their tissue fitness also decreased

>>> Runner returns to running at their usual pace and volume without building the tissue tolerance back up or following a progressive plan

>>>>> The runner gets injured AGAIN and starts the cycle all over.



the better strategy:

Regardless of the type of knee pain, the approach remains pretty much the same, with some subtle tweaks.

The first step is to try and rule out something worse PFP or ITB Pain which are both ‘non-complex’ biomechanical conditions. We want to make sure it isn’t something more severe like a bone-stress injury (stress fracture), connective tissue injury like a meniscus tear or ligament damage, or infection/disease-related. We can’t always rule these things out, but we try and be as confident as possible that the pain is in fact something we can deal with conservatively (without drugs/injections or surgery).

Don’t misinterpret the above information though. Just because something isn’t ‘medically’ serious, doesn’t mean the pain isn’t severe or debilitating.

IF the pain does in fact fall into the category of either PFP or ITB Pain, we take a 3-step approach to managing, fixing, and preventing the condition from coming back.




Step 1: CalM Stuff Down

The first thing we need to do with either knee pain condition is to calm down the pain so you can get back to running without making things worse.

Our first line of defence is some DELOAD work. This means taking a few days or weeks off. No runner likes to hear this. But some sort of deload is essential for calming the pain down. For some runners, that does not mean COMPLETELY stopping running. We try really hard to keep runners running, because we know one thing is true: RUNNERS LIKE TO RUN.

Step 2: Build Back Up

Once the pain has calmed down a bit, then we move into our Build phase. This focuses on building your strength, endurance, and tissue tolerance back up to handle the demands of running. This usually looks like some strength and cardio training BELOW symptom threshold.

Step 3: Bridge the Gap

Once we have built the tissue tolerance back up, we need to bridge the gap from rehab back to performance. Just because the tissue is strong, does not mean it is necessarily ready for the demands of the running you were doing before injury.

This process is collaborative and involves some trial and error. Too much too soon? We take two steps backwards.

While it is tempting to jump right back into your regular running routine because you are feeling so much better, it is a much better idea to gradually build your running volume back up.

Ok… but what does that actually LOOK like?

Fair question, that I wish I had a straightforward answer to. Unfortunately, everyone is different. There is no single exercise, stretch, or rehab plan that works for everyone.

If your knee pain is keeping you from running, or doing anything else you love, I HIGHLY recommend you seek out a qualified provider.

That said, if you want to take a shot at fixing your pain yourself from home, here are some of the exercises I often use with my patients.


Tempo Squats (3-seconds down, 1-second hold, 1-second up, 0-second rest at the top)

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats

Knees Over Toes Split Squat

KB Deadlifts

ITB Pain Exercises

Stationary Cycling (with your knee flexed to about 35 degrees at the bottom of the stroke. Move your seat forward and down to accomplish this).

Uphill Treadmill Walking (8-10 degrees incline)

Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats

Side Bridge

KB Deadlifts

Want 1-on-1, personalised rehab?

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Chiropractic and Sports Rehab in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc

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Running, Low Back Pain Mark Murdoch Running, Low Back Pain Mark Murdoch

Running with lower back pain

‘Don’t do that, it’s bad for your back’

Have you ever been told that?

What if I told you… running is good for you?

Lower back pain is one of the most common injuries out there. As many as 8/10 people will have lower back pain in their lifetime.

That is practically everyone!

There are a lot of runners who have lower back pain. You probably even know some. But… what if I told you that running is not only safe for your lower back, it may even be protective???

Let’s look at why…

How common is Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is EXTREMELY common. I guarantee you either have lower back pain or know someone who does (PSA: if you don’t know anyone with lower back pain, you might want to work only our listening skills).

It affects 35-80% of people at some point in their lives, and as many as 50% of people with lower back pain with have chronic pain (multiple episodes of lower back pain), at a conservative estimate.

So then… common is lower back pain in runners?

On the generous side: 22% of runners will develop lower back pain. On the more optimistic estimate? as low as 1% of runners have lower back pain 🤯

By those numbers… that means that running is likely PROTECTIVE for your lower back, instead of bad for it!

Now… all pain is multifactorial. That means that a lot of things can contribute to your pain experience (sleep, stress, nutrition, family history/genetics, previous injury… you get the idea).

But physical activity and being overall healthy are likely protective against most types of pain. By that rationale, running is not only good for your overall physical and mental health, but it can also decrease your chances of developing lower back pain.

In other words, if you are thinking about starting to run or you’re a current runner and worried about running making your back pain worse, you have my permission to stop stressing about it.

Get you there and put some miles on those shiny new shoes!

But what if I already have lower back pain from running?

It happens. As we talked about above, your lower back pain likely is not CAUSED by running, but it may be aggravating to it.

The first thing I recommend is getting assessed by a clinician you trust (preferably one who works with a lot of runners). If you need some help, we are here. Start with a free consult and we will help point you in the right direction.

There are a few reasons why you might have lower back pain and why running might make it more irritated.

Here are some common causes of lower back pain among runners:

  • Lower back or SI joint irritation

  • Lower back muscle strain or muscle pain

  • Lower back disc irritation that gets worse with running

  • Poor hip, ankle, or knee function

Other things in life can also contribute to back pain, that don’t even have anything to do with running like:

  • Stress

  • Poor sleep

  • Inadequate nutrition or hydration

  • History of injury

  • Other conditions like obesity, diabetes, or metabolic diseases

Lower back pain is complex. It is probably the most complex condition that walks into my door. That is because human beings are complex. You aren’t just a runner. You are also a mom, an uncle, a boss, a volunteer, etc. All of the other parts of life contribute to your pain experience, and we can’t just isolate ‘the SI joint’ or arthritis as the sole cause of your symptoms.

With that said… let’s talk about some things you can work on to HELP with your lower back pain (even if they aren’t necessarily the sole cause).

what to do if you have lower back pain with running

If you ARE having lower back pain and running makes it worse, here are a few things we work on at our clinic to fix low back pain with running:

  1. Hip Mobility

  2. Core Strength

  3. Ankle Mobility

  4. Hip Strength

1) Hip Mobility

Improving your hip mobility can improve your ability to access your hips, and give the lower back a break. Try this stretch and exercise:

90/90 and Shin Box

2) Core strength

Side Bridge is probably the exercise that I give most often to runners. I consider it something of a panacea for most running pain and injuries. If your core endurance and strength is poor, your form will break down sooner. This can lead to earlier irritation of the lower back (or knee… or hip… or ankle…)

I recommend that all runners be able to hold this for at least 60 seconds, but 25 km+ runners hold it for 90 seconds and ultra and marathon to runners hold it for 2 mins easily

Here is hot to test your side bridge endurance:

3) ankle mobility

The body is connected, from the big toe to the base of the skull. Somethings working on your ankle mobility can improve function upstream (e.g. at the hips or lower back)

Here is how to assess your ankle mobility and a good ankle mobility exercise:

4) Hip strength

Not surprisingly, hip strength is VERY important for runners.

Here are two exercises I give my running clients and patients all the time

At the end of the day, there are many reasons you might have lower back pain with running.

If you want more guidance, we can help.

Start with a free consult and learn more about our custom Pain to Performance plans and our Super Runner program, to get you back to running unlimited by low back pain.

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Sport and Spine in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc

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Running Mark Murdoch Running Mark Murdoch

Heel Pain in Runners

Heel pain in runners is common. It is especially prevalent in new runners, experienced runners getting back into running, and runners who have started a new program or increased their running volume.

If you are experiencing heel pain, I don’t have to tell you how frustrating and painful it can be. It often sidelines runners and is rarely a quick fix.

Here are some things you should know about heel pain in runners and how we approach heel pain here at our sports rehab clinic, Base Camp Chiropractic in Vernon.

Types/Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain commonly comes from 3 or 4 different sources.

Plantar fasciitis

If you are a runner and haven’t heard of plantar fasciitis, you have clearly been spending too much time with your headphones in, because I guarantee someone you know has it or has experienced it.

Plantar fasciitis is when the fascia (connective tissue that supports your arch) is over-stressed and becomes inflamed and irritated. It is typically worst in the morning and while you are running. The onset is often sudden, and you just wake up one day with heel pain.

You can test your plantar fascia by pressing on point 1 (in the picture) and passively extending your big toe with your other hand. If this is extremely painful, there is a chance you have plantar fasciitis.

To deal with this, try this stretch every morning: Plantar Fascia Stretch

… and check out this article on foot strengthening exercises: Foot Strength for Runners

You can also try things like orthotics or a heel lift to change the load on your heel as a temporary change to deload the irritated tissues.

Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis is common in runners who have started to introduce a lot of uphill running. The Achilles tendon becomes overloaded and irritated, and can no longer recover from your running. Pain can be located along the calf, between the muscle and the heel. For some people, that pain can radiate down to the bottom of the heel and foot as well.

To work on this, you need to work on your calf strength and ankle range of motion.

Start working on your calf using calf raises. If calf raises are painful, you can limit your range of motion to start (see the video below).

You can also work on calming down your calf muscle tone by using foam rolling and the 3-direction ankle mobilization (the other videos below).

You can also try things like orthotics or a heel lift to change the load on your heel as a temporary change to deload the irritated tissues. I often recommend limiting your uphill running when the Achilles is really irritated. In general, shoes with a larger drop (an elevated heel relative to the ball of the foot) will decrease your chance of developing Achilles pain and improve symptoms.

Stress fracture

Stress fractures happen when the stress we have put the bone through is more than it can recover from. These injuries happen over time.

There is only one solution to stress fractures: rest.

Unfortunately, if a stress fracture is the cause of your symptoms, then you have to stop running for a few weeks and wear an air cast until the bone has healed.

Stress fractures are often very tender to the touch, you may have redness or swelling, and trouble running or walking at all.

If you think you might have a stress fracture, you need to go see a chiropractor, physician, or physiotherapist in Vernon who works with runners.

Sciatic nerve

I see a lot of cases of heel and foot pain that have been diagnosed as ‘plantar fasciitis’ when in reality the problem is coming from the lower back. The sciatic nerve starts in the lower back and goes down to the bottom of the foot. In this case, the foot is not the primary culprit, even though the symptoms are in the foot.


If this stretch makes your foot BETTER then we can be pretty confident that the lower back is involved. If this is the case, it is worth getting assessed by a physiotherapist or chiropractor in Vernon who can help you work on the lower back and whatever might be causing the symptoms.

(PSA: it is NOT because your pelvis or hips are out).

Don’t let your pain or injuries hold your back. Book a free consult with Dr Mark to get you back on the trails and stay injury free this running season.

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Sport and Spine in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc

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Running Mark Murdoch Running Mark Murdoch

Shin splints- how to tell if you have them and what to do about them

The typical progression for a new runner (or an experienced runner getting back into the seasons) goes something like this: 

You finally muster up the energy to get it done. For the past 3 weeks you have been crushing it. You haven’t missed a day, and now you are really finding your groove. You might actually be starting to understand why people LIKE running!?! You started at less than 5 miles per week, but now you are up to 25 miles this week!

Then it happens…

The typical progression for a new runner (or an experienced runner getting back into the seasons) goes something like this: 

You finally muster up the energy to get it done. For the past 3 weeks, you have been crushing it. You haven’t missed a day, and now you are really finding your groove. You might actually be starting to understand why people LIKE running!?! You started at less than 5 miles per week, but now you are up to 25 miles this week!

Then it happens. You are supposed to run 6 miles today, to round out your fourth week, but 30 minutes in your shins start to hurt. It’s a new pain… both shins on the inside of the bone (close to your midline). So you slow down and walk for a minute. The pain gets a bit better, but it is still bugging you. So you totally stop for a minute. It feels a whole lot better. You think to yourself ‘...must just be warming up’ so you get back in gear but then 100 feet later it starts again. 

What the HECK?

What is going on? Why did this pain start all of a sudden?

But then you remember… your friend told you about this. Oh no. They had to stop running altogether. Is this the end of your running career?

At this point you start Googling and come across a runners forum in which they are talking about EXACTLY the same things that you have. SHIN SPLINTS!

Aka the Runner’s Plague (Ok, fine, that might be my own embellishment).

Shin Splints should not be taken lightly, and there is a reason for it. Also known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (fancy doctor words), Shin Splints are on the spectrum of stress fracture (BROKEN BONE) and should be taken seriously.

What are Shin Splints?

  • Definition: Shin Splints are the common lingo for an injury called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, which is an early indicator of bone inflammation and irritation. If left untreated and unmanaged, Shin Splints can progress to a stress fracture (a really small break in the outer layer of the shin bone).

  • Anatomy involved: Shin Splints primarily involve your shin bone (the Tibia) and the muscles that control your ankle and foot. (For the nerds, these muscles are the Soleus, Tibialis Posterior and Flexor Digitorum Longus).

How do I know if I have Shin Splints?

Shin Splints are diagnosed in a clinic using a two-step process

  1. History

  2. Physical Exam

If you are experiencing shin pain from running, the first thing that a Chiropractor in Vernon, BC will do will be to ask you questions about your symptoms, running volume, and lifestyle. Based on your answers, that helps your clinician decide what to check during a physical exam. 

Shin Splints often shows up the same way:

A runner increases the amount they are running too quickly (e.g. a jump of 10 miles in one week), which results in pain along the midline side of the shin (usually about 5cm long) that gets worse with activity (like running or sometimes even standing) and better with rest.

The symptoms we use to diagnoses Shin Splints are:

  • Pain along the inside of the shin (usually about 5cm in length, sometimes on both legs)

  • Pain that increases with activity, but subsides with ‘rest’ (we will talk about what ‘rest’ actually means later)

  • Pain that is reproduced when we press on the muscle or bone

Some people are more susceptible to shin splints than others. One of the real bummers about shin splints is that if you have had shin splints before, you are more likely to get them again, which makes it that much more important to take seriously. Other factors are things like higher body mass index (a measure of weight to height ratio), foot arch height/control, ankle and hip range of motion, and your vitamin D levels.

The diagnosis of Shin Splints is what we call a ‘Diagnosis of Exclusion’. This means that if you have the history and symptoms that match Shin Splints, as clinicians our primary goal is to make sure it is not something WORSE (e.g. fracture, compartment syndromes, infection, etc). Because of this, it can be hard for you to diagnose shin splints yourself from home, so I highly recommend you seek out a chiropractor, athletic therapist, or physical therapist in Vernon to help you. That said, if you have the symptoms described above and ONLY those symptoms, there is a good chance you have Shin Splints. 

How do you treat Shin Splints?

There are multiple ways that a Vernon Chiropractor or Physical Therapist might treat Shin Splints, along with some things you can do from home

The first line of treatment to combat Shin Splints is to manage and eliminate the cause. While every runner is different, the route cause of Shin Splints is VOLUME MANAGEMENT. This means managing how quickly you progress your running volume and making sure you let the tissues rest and ultimately heal. No runner likes to hear the four-letter word... ‘Rest’ is almost as bad as the words ‘surgery’ or ‘cut-the-limb-off’, to some runners. BUT, in this case, we are talking about ‘Relative Rest’. This does not mean complete inactivity. The goal here is to limit the running volume to a frequency and duration you can recover from, but that does not always mean eliminating it all together. Together with your clinician, you can work out how much to run, what kind of surfaces you are running on, different running tempo, alternative footwear, all of which can fall into the intervention of Relative Rest. When in doubt, cut your running volume by 25% for a couple of weeks and see how your body responds.

Once we have a handle on managing Relative Rest, we can talk about the rest. Everything else is supplemental but together can make a difference. A good clinician will help you get out of pain. A GREAT clinician will help you manage your symptoms and keep them from coming back.

Here are a few things we work on when it comes to Shin Splints:

  • Increasing ankle range of motion and shin strength using exercise

  • Calming down inflamed tissue with the combination of things like mobility drills, soft tissue therapies, nutritional interventions and joint adjustments

  • Orthotics for short term symptom relief

  • Improving your biomechanics to increase your capacity for load and running

  • Vitamin D supplementation to improve bone health, healing, and inflammation

Do I need an X-ray?

The short answer to the question “Do I need an X-ray for Shin Splints” is No. However, if your clinician thinks that your condition may have progressed beyond a simple bone inflammation to the point of Stress Fracture, they may order imaging. The problem with Shin Splints is that the condition they lead to is called a “Stress Fracture” which is a tiny “hairline” fracture that is almost impossible to see on an X-ray until the injury is healing. The good news is though, even if your injury has progressed to a stress fracture, most runners fully heal. The bad news? It takes time.

If you are unsure if you need an X-ray, or you suspect that you have a fracture, give us a call at Base Camp Sport and Spine or book an appointment for an assessment.

Do I have to stop running?

This is the hardest part of the conversation with an active runner.

Before I get into the nuances of the question of “Do I have to stop running if I have Shin Splints?” we need to set the stage. When it comes to people walking through the door into my clinic or scheduling online coaching/consulting with me my goal is ALWAYS to help you keep you DOING WHAT YOU LOVE and not take you away from it. You already know that if something hurts to do and you stop doing that thing you will have less pain. That is not why you need some guidance. You are looking for solutions to keep you doing what you love. Very rarely (in fact, almost NEVER) do I recommend my patients to completely eliminate their favourite activity. In the rare cases that I do, the elimination is TEMPORARY and only if it is absolutely necessary.

Here are a few considerations when we are considering what to do if you have Shin Splints: 

  1. How much are you currently running compared to how much you were running 6 weeks ago?

    • Rapid changes in mileage?

    • Changes to your routine?

  2. Why are you running in the first place?

    • Running only for fitness?

    • Running in preparation for a race?

    • Running to clear your headspace?

  3. What does ‘relative rest’ mean to you?

    • Complete elimination of activity?

    • Alternate activities besides running?

    • Changing your running volume/terrain/cadence/pace?

If you have been suffering from Shin Splints, you already know how frustrating they are. The good news is that THEY DO HEAL. The catch is that it takes direction and a structured recovery program. My goal as a clinician is to keep you running. The reality is that Shin Splints do need Relative Rest. This will inevitably mean a change in your running schedule, but it does not mean the complete elimination of your favourite activity.

So… What do I do if I have Shin Splints?

The first thing you should do if you have Shin Splints is to drop your running/activity volume. If you are not getting significant relief within a couple of weeks, the next step is to search out a qualified Chiropractor, Physical Therapist or Athletic Therapist in Vernon to put you through an assessment and build a recovery plan. If you are outside of Vernon, send me a message and I will help connect you with a clinician in your area. Your clinician will help you decide how to proceed and whether or not you need X-rays or an MRI.

First Things to Try (Weeks 1-4):

  • Relative rest (decreasing your running volume)

  • Replace some running with other low impact cardio (e.g. bike, swim, row)

Additional things you can start doing from home:

  • Foot stretching and strengthening

  • Hip stretching and strengthening

  • Consider a Vitamin D supplement (almost everyone in North America is Vitamin D deficient. If you are considering taking a Vitamin D supplement, check with your doctor).

  • Ice massage can be helpful for managing your pain

Exercises for Shin Splints

How long do Shin Splints take to heal?

Brace yourself. It is not going to be an answer you want to hear.

If you do nothing about it and continue to train the way you have been, the most likely outcome is that they will never heal and you will progress to a Stress Fracture.

If you do something about it? Shin Splints can take anywhere from 3-12 months to heal.

This is why Shin Splints recovery can be even more challenging mentally than it is mentally. This is why it is so helpful to have someone to coach you through your recovery.

How long you take to heal is dependent on a few things:

  1. How long you have had symptoms before doing anything about them

  2. Severity of your symptoms and tissue damage

  3. How committed you are to healing and following the proper rehab exercises and protocols

  4. Your overall health

Ready to get rid of your shin splints?

If you are ready to get rid of your shin splints, book an appointment with one of our providers. We will help you figure out exactly what is going on, how to manage the pain you have, and how to get back to doing the things you love.

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Chiropractic and Sports Rehab in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc


  • A 2-Year Prospective Cohort Study of Overuse Running Injuries: The Runners and Injury Longitudinal Study (TRAILS) by Messier et al. (2018) The American Journal of Sports Medicine

  • Effectiveness of online tailored advice to prevent running-related injuries and promote preventive behaviour in Dutch trail runners: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial by L. Hespanhol, W. van Mechelen, and E. Verhagen (2018) The British Journal for Sports Medicine

Disclaimer: This blog is intended for general informational purposes only and is not intended for the delivery of medical advice. No doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this blog or materials linked from this blog is at the user's own risk. The content of this blog and website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice.

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Running Mark Murdoch Running Mark Murdoch

How to run injury free for life

One thing that I have learned after treating many runners is this: Runners love to run.

If I told you that you could run further, faster, and injury free, would you believe me?

Watch the video to learn how.

Author: Dr Mark Murdoch, Chiropractor and Co-Founder at Base Camp Chiropractic and Sports Rehab in Vernon, BC.

Mark Murdoch is a Doctor of Chiropractic with a Master’s Degree in Sports Medicine.


Instagram: Base.Camp.Doc

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