invest in your health

How Much Does It Cost?

A common question we get at Base Camp Chiropractic and Sports Rehab is, “How much does it cost?” We know that cost matters, so here’s a clear answer.

Typical Treatment Plan Costs

Treatment plan costs have a wide range! Some clients come in with simple injuries that only take a couple of visits, while others take months of regular treatment to fully fix.

Our clients typically invest between $1,500 and $3,000 throughout their plan of care. The range for a treatment plan can be lower or up to $5k. The exact price depends on a few things:

  • Type of your injury: More complex, severe, or chronic injuries often need more care.

  • Your overall health: Your overall health can affect how long it takes to recover from an injury, and how intense your treatment needs to be.

  • What are your goals?: Are you looking for a bit of pain relief, or to truly solve your problem? One of the things our patients appreciate most is that we go beyond ‘pain’ and treat the root cause, helping you stay healthy and unlimited by pain for life.

  • Consistency: Sticking to your plan and showing up regularly helps you get the best results. Clients who regularly cancel their visits or avoid doing their home care often take longer to recover, ultimately costing more money in the long run.

Our plans are paid by visit, and not upfront.

How do extended benefits work? How much will they cover?

Extended benefits will rarely cover 100% of your care. Our most successful patients view extended benefits as a discount for treatment, instead of looking at it as coverage.

Who do you think has your best interest in mind between us (who know your name, have an extensive understanding of your goals and obstacles, and truly want you to get better) or your insurance company (who don’t want you to use your benefits in the first place)?

I hope that it is obvious that we care more about you getting better than your insurance company does.

Depending on your plan, insurance coverage will typically reimburse you for $50-150 per visit. The catch is that they won’t always tell you they have secret caps that they set per visit, meaning you may not get the coverage your plan tells you.

Throughout a full plan of care though, you should get your full coverage. For example, if you have $500 of coverage, and your treatment plan costs $2,000, you essentially get a 25% discount on your plan.

What You’re Paying For

Our prices reflect the quality of care we provide and the attention we give to each patient. Here’s what’s included:

  • In-Depth Initial Assessment: A 60-minute session to find the root cause of your pain and create a plan just for you.

  • Customized Treatment Plans: We guide you through different phases of care, from calming down the pain to rebuilding your strength and returning to what you love.

  • On-Demand Access: We offer direct access to your clinician throughout the duration of your care. This means you can text or email us with questions anytime to stay on track.

  • Expert Care for Outdoor Athletes: We specialize in helping outdoor and adventure athletes, so our care is tailored to your specific needs. We understand them because we are runners, mountain bikers, hikers, skiers… we are adventure athletes too.

Why are visits so long (and expensive!): Focused, Personalized Care

Our providers only see 40 clients per week.

This lets us spend more time with each person and provide the attention you deserve.

In comparison, the chiropractor down the street might see over 200 visits a week, which can mean less time for each patient and more general care.

At Base Camp, we focus on quality over quantity, and that’s reflected in our pricing.

Why (we think) It’s Worth It.

The simple answer: our results are so much better.

Dr Sam and I used to work in a high-volume clinic. Rack-and-crack, in-and-out, seeing hundreds (not exaggerating) of patients per week.

The results we got with our clients were ok. Some people eventually got better. Some didn’t.

Now? They are incredible.

While our prices are higher, our patients see the value in the long-term results.

By investing in a plan that not only treats your current pain but also helps prevent future issues, you’re setting yourself up for a healthier, more active future.

We’re here to help you stay active and do what you love with confidence.

“You guys are just greedy”

I have heard this in the past. “You guys are just trying to make money”

Truly, if my goal was only to make more money, I would cram as many visits into an hour as I could. The numbers work out better when I see 10 patients an hour at $60 a ‘pop’.

Instead, we choose to spend up to an hour with every patient.

The results have been:

  • improved results

  • better understanding of you and your pain

  • long-term and sustainable habits

  • changes that go beyond the initial injury

We completely understand that we are not for everyone. That is why we have our new patient guarantee: if, during your treatment plan, you decide that this is not the right approach for you, we will pay for an initial visit at the clinic of your choice.

We aren’t for you if you want a quick fix, aren’t looking to invest in your health beyond your extended benefits coverage or take a pro-active approach to your health.

We ARE for you if:

  • You see the value in investing in your body and your long-term health

  • You are an outdoor adventure athlete and love being active outdoors

  • You want to take a proactive approach to your health

  • You don’t want pain to keep you from doing the things you love

  • You are willing and ready to put in the work to rehab your injury and address the root cause of your pain

If you are ready to get started, request a Discovery Call to learn how we can help you


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Dr Mark Murdoch, DC, MS